Our Story
  • On a trip to visit family in Aspen, Colorado, Dr. Zalka realized, oops, she didn’t remember to pack her everyday deodorant but, being a dermatologist, she happened to have some glycolic acid exfoliant. (Of course, she did!) 

  • She wiped her underarms with the glycolic acid knowing it would at the very least, deeply cleanse the skin and it might buy some time to go get a deodorant stick at the local pharmacy. She applied the glycolic and VOILA, NO MORE SMELL, EVEN A DAY LATER, ODOR GONE.  When she returned home and back to her dermatology practice, she followed her instincts  and this burgeoning hypothesis, putting her new found cleansing strategy to the test to seek real world results.

  • Since swiping the skin with glycolic day in and day out could leave the skin terribly irritated, more brainstorming was in order. With careful formulation and the help of a chemist, a skin friendly glycolic and post biotic formula was born – Surface Deep. A true innovation in odor prevention, Surface Deep’s formula is tested and patented.

Meet Our Founder
With a wealth of experience and insight from over 25 years as a multi-practice dermatologist and an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, Alicia Zalka, MD is one of today’s leading skin care experts. As a dermatologist with a focus on skin health and treatment of skin disease and skin aging,  Alicia Zalka, MD, has a unique perspective on the fact that healthy functioning skin is dependent upon the perfectly balanced skin microbiome that maintains the slightly acidic skin pH and naturally occurring flora on the skin surface. “Take care of the skin and it will take care of you”, is her mantra. Which is why harsh chemicals in skin care and the demonizing skin’s natural functions, like sweating are a “no go”. Why would you want to use unnecessary chemicals on your beautifully harmonious skin? And why would you want to block sweating when it provides your body with a carefully orchestrated means of ensuring a safe internal body temperature? This was the ethos that began the search for a new form of body odor prevention.

A renowned expert on skin health, Dr. Zalka regularly contributes her expertise and

insights to media including Vogue, Family Circle, Glamour, The New York Daily News,

Associated Press, and ABC News.

All-Natural Ingredients

Our unique formulas are made from potent plant-derived ingredients and botanical extracts. You won’t find any harsh chemicals, dyes, additives, or artificial fragrances in our products. Every single ingredient we use in our dermatologist-developed formulas is there for a reason and the research tells us it’s safe and effective.

Dermatologist Developed

Our founder, Dr. Alicia Zalka, set out to make products that actually work, formulated based on actual science. With a true understanding of what is good for your skin and extensive real world knowledge of skin health, Dr. Zalka meticulously perfected her innovative formulas to provide the best in odor prevention that actually takes into consideration how your skin is supposed to work.

Powerful & Effective

Potent, patented formulas created with clean ingredients that block odors and allow your skin to function as nature intended. We block odor where it begins. Surface Deep helps lower the pH of your skin while post-biotics and natural ingredients work to balance, moisturize, and soothe. Safe for sensitive skin and for all over use, from your pits to your toes.